Monday 23 September 2013

EcoHouse Group operates in one of the world’s most attractive markets

The global crash of 2008 saw a dramatic slowdown in growth in all major economies. As the dust settles, investors are looking for opportunities that offer an attractive rate of return within a stable environment. Financial analysts have long recognized the potential of Brazil. This country offers plenty of scope for growth and is extremely stable compared to many other ‘up and coming’ economies. One difficulty however, is that individuals may be taken advantage of by companies looking to make money out of unwary investors. Anyone looking to enter the Brazilian market is advised to seek a company that’s already well established and experienced in this niche. This is especially the case when it comes to the potentially lucrative Brazilian property market.

One such company that already has a proven track record in Brazil is EcoHouse Group. This property developer demonstrates that with expertise, experience and local knowledge, it is possible to achieve considerable success against the backdrop of the Brazilian property market. The company has a 17 year track record and in 2013 is expected to generate revenue in excess of £250million. The company’s choice of niche within the Brazilian market demonstrates how familiar EcoHouse Group is with this particular market. The company recognises that there is an extremely high demand for good quality social housing and has therefore become heavily involved in the country’s flagship Minha Casa Minha Vida social housing scheme. The fact that EcoHouse Group has been officially authorised to build properties under this scheme clearly demonstrates how well regarded the company is.

Further interest in the Brazilian property market is likely to be triggered over the next couple of years as the nation plays host to the FIFA World Cup as well as the Olympic Games. Recent public protests may cause some potential investors to be wary about the stability of the country. It needs to be remembered however, that the recent disturbances were on a par with what has been witnessed in many European countries over recent years. Brazil is in fact a model of stability compared to the majority of South American countries – and certainly appears to be a lot more stable than most Middle Eastern or even Far Eastern economies. The predictions are that Brazil will shortly see the annual growth rates in the region of 5% that were typical prior to the global crash. 

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